Both state and federal programs require that accountability data be reviewed as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement.
Additional metrics are required to be reviewed as part of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process. These accountability measures are currently being revised and improved at the local, state and national levels.
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Local Control and Accountability Plan is a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes. The LCAP is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). In the Wiseburn Unified School District, parents, educators, employees and the community work together to establish this plan.
2024-25 LCAP Report
2023-24 LCAP Report
2022-23 LCAP Report
2021-22 LCAP Report
2020-21 COVID-19 Operations Written Report | 2020-21 Informe Escrito de Operaciones COVID-19
2018-19 LCAP Report
2017-18 LCAP Report
2016-17 LCAP Report
2015-16 LCAP Report
Proposition 28: Arts and Music in Schools (AMS)
In November 2022, Proposition 28 (Prop 28), also known as Arts and Music in Schools Funding (AMS), passed by California voters, aims to supplement arts education in public schools.
"Arts education program" includes (but is not limited to) instruction and training, supplies, materials, and arts educational partnership programs for instruction in dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts including folk art, painting, sculpture, photography, craft arts, creative expression including graphic arts and design, computer coding, animation, music composition, ensembles, script writing, costume design, film, and video.
According to the California Department of Education (CDE), Prop 28 provides annual funding for arts education programs, staffing, support, materials, partnership programs, and administrative costs aimed at enhancing arts education.
Prop 28 funds will be distributed subject to the state’s general fund. Current allocations are posted on the CDE website.
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP)
Senate Bill 98 (SB 98) established the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Learning Continuity Plan), which is intended to balance the needs of all stakeholders, including educators, parents, students and community members, while both streamlining engagement and condensing several preexisting plans. The Learning Continuity Plan replaces the LCAP for the 2020–21 school year.
The Learning Continuity Plan memorializes the planning process already underway for the 2020–21 school year and includes descriptions of the following:
- Addressing gaps in learning
- Conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement
- Maintaining transparency
- Addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness
- Providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning
- Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
- Continuing to provide school meals for students
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund Plan (ESSER)
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) plan for the Wiseburn Unified School District is reflective of actions designed to increase student achievement and address the social-emotional needs of students, teachers, and families post-school closure. The WUSD ESSER III plan accurately represents our inclusive and welcoming District, in line with our five (5) District pillars (safety, whole child, future-ready, community and collaboration, organizational strength), and is the outcome of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Expanded Opportunities Learning Grant (ELOG) Plan development processes which reflect: (a) comprehensive strategic planning, (b) meaningful engagement with stakeholders, and attends to (c) all legal requirements.
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
SARC provides parents and the community with information about the conditions and progress being made at each individual school in your resident school district.
What is a School Accountability Report Card (SARC)?
Since November 1988, state law has required all public schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. A similar requirement is also contained in the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. The purposeof the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. A SARC can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators.
What information does the SARC contain?
Although there is great variation in the design of school report cards, they generally begin with a profile that provides background information about the school and its students. The profile usually summarizes the school's mission, goals, and accomplishments. State law requires that the SARC contain all of the following:
- Demographic data
- School safety and climate for learning information
- Academic data
- School completion rates
- Class sizes
- Teacher and staff information
- Curriculum and instruction descriptions
- Postsecondary preparation information
- Fiscal and expenditure data
More Information from CDE's website
View School Accountability Report Cards
Del Aire Elementary School
Hollyglen Elementary School
Aviation Elementary School
Wiseburn Middle School
Success Learning Center (SLC)
Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (ELOP)
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (ELOP) is Wiseburn Unified School District's plan for providing supplemental instruction and support to students, including those identified as needing academic, social-emotional, and other supports, including the provision of meals and snacks. The plan will explain how Wiseburn USD will use the funds it receives through the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant to implement a learning recovery program for at least the students included in one or more of the following groups: low-income students, English learners, foster youth, homeless students, students with disabilities, students at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, disengaged students, and students who are below grade level, including, but not limited to, those who did not enroll in kindergarten in the 2020–21 school year, credit-deficient students, high school students at risk of not graduating, and other students identified by certificated staff.