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Assessment and Accountability

Assessment is a district-wide priority as results provide staff with essential information to plan, sequence content and address students' individual needs. Assessment also provides useful feedback to students and parents. Please use the link below to access information on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing system.

California Department of Education — CAASPP Information

Student results from our California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) help guide our teachers in planning and preparing coursework and curriculum that ensures that our students are well prepared for the CAASPP assessment at the end of the school year. More importantly, we are developing critical thinkers and problem solvers with the end goal of preparing students to be college and career ready.

We operate under our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) developed with input received from our educational partners. Different educational partner groups across the district include caregivers, students, staff, and community members. We greatly appreciate the input provided, and the educational partner's participation in developing a comprehensive plan to support our students, parents, and staff. To review this plan, please visit our Accountability page.

The WUSD Educational Services Department works to provide a thoughtful, rigorous and relevant educational program, as well as many services and opportunities for our students. Our outstanding students continue to make excellent gains in applying the standards to their learning each day in our schools.

Please use the links on this page to access information regarding our educational programs; Gifted and Talented Education, English Language Learner Program, Accountability and Assessment, Professional Learning, Instructional Technology, STEM and Fine Arts Programs, State Assessments (CAASPP), and Curriculum Resources.

Please also take a moment to review information about your child's education by using the links below to access California State Standards for each grade level, CAASPP assessment information, and more about College and Career Readiness (CCR) skills.

Smarter Balanced Assessment

The Smarter Balanced assessment system provides accurate measures of achievement and growth while challenging students to think critically and solve real-world problems. A core principle of the Smarter Balanced system is equity and accessibility for students.

Starting Smarter provides families with information to help them better understand student score reports. With a complete picture of their child's learning, knowledge and skills, parents are starting smarter conversations with teachers about what they can do to support learning at home.

California School Dashboard

The California School Dashboard was first released in the Spring of 2017 and provides parents and educators with in-depth reports showing the performance of local schools and districts offering a more complete picture of how schools are serving students.

The Dashboard is the part of a series of major shifts in public education in California that raised the bar for student learning, transformed testing and focuses on equity for all students. It is part of the state's new school accountability system based on the Local Control Funding Formula. It supports the educational goals that all school districts set in their annually updated Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

The Dashboard also reflects California's commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. The system places greater emphasis on changes in performance from year to year and highlights programs that are making positive change and makes it easier to identify areas where schools need assistance to improve performance.

Performance Levels for State Indicators

Performance on state indicators for individual schools and districts will be represented in the Dashboard by easy-to-understand gauges. The levels reflect both current performance and changes in performance over time. The colors show how well the school or subgroup performed overall (status) and how much it improved or worsened over a three-year period (change). Learn more about how each color is assigned by visiting the California School Dashboard and System of Support.