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English Language Development Program

Academic instruction for English Learners is designed and implemented to ensure that the students meet the District’s content and performance standards for their respective grade levels in a reasonable amount of time.

The District has developed and is implementing a plan for monitoring and overcoming any academic deficits English Learners incur while acquiring English. Actions to overcome academic deficits are taken before the deficits become irreparable.

Academic instruction for English Learners is designed and implemented to ensure that they meet the district’s content and performance standards for their respective grade levels in a reasonable amount of time. The Wiseburn School District has chosen to implement a simultaneous model of curriculum and instruction in order to ensure that English Learners acquire English and learn grade level content. The ELA curriculum is delivered to all English Learners through the use of SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English) strategies and Primary Language Assistance.

Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)

English Learners access the core curriculum through classes that “shelter” the curriculum via Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).  ELD Teachers employ special strategies and techniques geared to help students access the core curriculum.  SDAIE is:

  • Contextualized instruction (e.g. nonverbal language, visual support, realia, graphic organizers)
  • Task based instruction where students can act, draw, or map out concepts, or use poetry, song, chant, letters and diaries
  • Language-sensitive and culture-sensitive content teaching
  • Making accommodations in the learning environment so that more students are able to access the content
  • Instruction encouraging the active use of language and the emphasis on big ideas
  • Instruction that allows the teacher to check for understanding frequently using interactive strategies
  • Built on language modifications such as pause time, questioning, pacing and highlighting.

Primary Language Assistance

Primary Language Assistance is provided to students in order to access the core curriculum. An English Learner paraprofessional usually provides the primary language assistance unless the teacher has a BCLAD.  The assistance is used to motivate, clarify, direct, support, and explain concepts in the core curriculum.

GLAD Professional Learning

All WUSD ELD specialists have completed GLAD training. GLAD provides instructors with:

  • A common set of highly effective teaching strategies for all staff.
  • Easy observational tools to check for efficacy.
  • Improved pedagogy with consistent instructional routines.
  • Support in becoming confident and competent in addressing state and district requirements.