Absence Management
Absence Management Reporting – AESOP/Frontline Education
Logging in on the internet:
You can access the absence management system through the above link. Then enter your username and your password and click on login. If you do not remember your username and/or password, please use the "Forgot Username" and/or "Forgot Password" links on the login page.
Creating an absence:
Once you are logged in, go to the tab labelled "Create an Absence". Now simply choose the day(s) you will be absent, then choose other details like your absence reason and the hours. You will also be required to add notes to your Administrator explaining the request. If you are absent for school business, please briefly describe the nature, i.e. 6th Grade Camp, COTSEN meeting etc. If you are requesting a Personal Necessity Day, please make sure it qualifies under your union contract and list the appropriate paragraph number. You will also be able to add notes to your substitute as well as upload documents like lesson plans etc. Once you have completed all fields, click on Create Absence and you are done.
Managing your Phone Number and Password:
Once you are logged in, go to the tab labelled "Account". You can manage your personal information, i.e. your phone number, your phone PIN, view your absence reason balances and your preferred substitutes.
Other options for accessing the Absence Management Program:
You can also access the system by calling an absence in. Please call 1-800-942-3767. You will need to know your 4 or 5 digit PIN which is different from the login information that you need to the computer. You can access your PIN in the "Account" tab.
Over the phone you can:
- Create an absence (within the next 30 days) – Press 1
- Check your absence reason (entitlement) balances – Press 2
- Review upcoming absences – Press 3
- Review a specific absence – Press 4
- Review or change your personal information – Press 5
If you create an absence over the phone, be sure to make note of the confirmation number that absence management assigns the new absence for reference.